Significance of Ultrasounds at Different Stages of Pregnancy
From the first heartbeat to the first cry, the growth and nourishment of a baby inside the mother’s womb is observed via ultrasounds (USG). Throughout the 40 weeks of pregnancy (can be less in cases of pre-matured delivery), the OBGYN conducts multiple ultrasounds, some routine, and others depending on the health of the mother and the child. At times, the expecting couple might do it to know the sex of the baby as well. Contrary to myths about the harmfulness of USG for the baby, the procedure is safe when done by trained professionals and recommended by doctors as a form of foetal diagnosis. If you are soon-to-be-parent thinking of getting a pregnancy ultrasound in Midland, here’s brief know-how on its significance and instances.
Trimester-wise Pregnancy Ultrasound in Midland
As we know, human pregnancy or gestation period has three trimesters. Given under, is a run-through of the usual number of USG conducted under the supervision of an OBGYN trimester-wise.
First Trimester
In the first 12 weeks or trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound may be done to:
· Confirm the pregnancy
· Observe the heartbeat of the baby
· Comprehend the gestational age of the baby and by doing so determine the estimated delivery date
· Diagnose any abnormalities in the baby or ectopic pregnancy (when the baby grows outside the uterus)
Conduct examination of the cervix, uterus, ovaries, and placenta
To summarise, your first pregnancy ultrasound in Midland is for the confirmation and initial examination, so that any issue can be addressed, instead of procrastination, which may harm both the mother and the baby.
Second & Third Trimester
The ultrasounds during the second (12th week to 24th week) and the third (24th week to 40th week) trimester are done for routine monitoring of the baby’s health, position, movement, and growth. The usual reasons are:
· Examination to confirm multiple pregnancies
Diagnose any problem such as placental abruption, where the placenta gets detached from the uterus, or placenta previa, where the cervix gets covered by the placenta
· Determine birth-defects, symptoms of down syndrome, and congenital disorders in the baby
· Observe the amniotic fluid levels
Types of Pregnancy Ultrasound in Midland
Over the years, with the gradual advancement of medical technology, the process and types of ultrasounds have evolved, offering multiple choices for expecting couples, such as:
· Transvaginal ultrasound (usually done during the initial pregnancy period)
· 3-D ultrasound (unlike 2D, this presents a clearer picture of the uterus, ovaries, placenta, cervix, and the fetus)
· 4-D and 5-D ultrasound (generates a moving video of the baby of immense clarity, enabling the parents to see the face of the baby once fully developed)
Considering the significance of ultrasound, it is always advised by the OBGYNs to get it done at reliable and credible clinics that have experienced healthcare technicians to conduct the procedure properly and have a proven track record of the same. Do your research and choose a reputed establishment for pregnancy ultrasound in Midland to experience the happiness of hearing fluttering heartbeats and movement of those tiny hands and feet while anticipating the arrival of your little wonder.